Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Claires in Kuwait

That is me standing in front of "Clair's" in Kuwait.

Today in Kuwait


About today I woke up at 1 pm because the TV was on and the movie "WAR OF THE WORLDS" was on and it was really loud. I got up and started watching it. Then my mema came in the room to wake me up but I was already awake. So I got up and eat so breakfast. Then I talked to my mom on the computer. Then we started to make dinner and I helped some. Then we sat down at the dinner table and ate. And so that is all that has happened today.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day in Kuwait

About Kuwait, it is a nice place to be but that depends on where u r. Where my opa lives it is dirty across the street but on his side of the street its ok. Yesterday we got new furniture. We got 2 side tables and 1 coffee table but when the people were putting together the coffee table they drilled to far and put a hole in the wood. The next day I woke up at 2:00pm right before opa got home and had some breakfast. Then when I was finished I got on the computer and went on because my aunt made me an account. Then i waited for my opa to get home while playing some games. When he got home he made every one a grilled cheese sandwich. Then i washed the dishes.(I should have gotten paid one KD.) If u were wondering what a KD is it is a Kuwaiti Dinar that is what they call their money over here. One KD equals 3.769 or 3.76 dollars. That is all that has happened 2 day so far.Publish Post

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ashleigh's blog

These are just a few of the people in my life. The first picture is my mom & sister with my Aunt Carla. The next pic is of my week-end parents. I love being with Chris & Carla. Everyone in the family calls them my week-end mom & dad and I like that. They just celebrated their 4th wedding anniversary and Carla got a new Ford Explorer 2008. It is so nice and I will sit in the backseat.